It’s often said that we are what we eat, but perhaps it’s more accurate to say that we are how we think. Our mindset plays a crucial role in shaping our lifestyle choices, including our diet and habits.

One study found that individuals with a “fixed” mindset, or the belief that their abilities are fixed and cannot be changed, are more likely to make unhealthy food choices. These individuals may view healthy eating as a daunting challenge and therefore opt for easier, less healthy options. On the other hand, individuals with a “growth” mindset, or the belief that their abilities can be developed through effort, are more likely to make healthier choices and persevere through challenges.

Our mindset can also influence our overall approach to healthy living.

Those with a fixed mindset may see healthy habits such as exercise and proper nutrition as a burden, while those with a growth mindset may view them as opportunities for personal growth and improvement.

In addition to influencing our diet and habits, our mindset can also impact our ability to stick to these healthy choices. Individuals with a fixed mindset may give up more easily when faced with setbacks or challenges, while those with a growth mindset are more likely to persevere and continue working towards their goals.

It’s important to note that mindset is not a fixed trait and can be changed and developed over time through effort and practice. By adopting a growth mindset and viewing challenges as opportunities for growth, we can set ourselves up for success in making healthy lifestyle choices.


  • Dweck, Carol S. “Mindset: The New Psychology of Success.” Random House, 2006.
  • Alberts, H. J. E. M., Martijn, C., & Havermans, R. C. (2013). Mind your diet: a meta-analysis on the effects of mindset on healthy eating. Personality and social psychology review: an official journal of the Society for Personality and Social Psychology, Inc, 17(3), 267-286.
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